
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

SOLC31: The Big Implausible

I did it. I actually managed to complete this thing. To finish a challenge that I originally thought to be impossible. Well, not exactly impossible, more like implausible. But I suppose that "doing the implausible" is what humanity strives toward in all that they do. And girl plays with dog and dog plays with ball but ball plays with nobody. Because that is our endless humanity. Our one singular breath that soon joins the millions that have gathered in the skies. The earth and the heavens together as one. And what is the goal? We don't know do we. I did this because I had to, but also because I wanted to. I wanted to complete that which is a so-called implausible. And so I have done it. So I say goodbye, and fare thee well.

1 comment:

"How do you know I'm mad?" Said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."