Sunday, March 8, 2015

SOLC8: Books

There is some kind of magic that comes with a book. I can’t explain what kind, but I’m pretty sure that you can’t either. The pages have a quiet sound when they turn, unexplainable just like the magic. A sort of simplistic perfection found in the quiet corners of decomposing paper. Untouched by reality with covers and jackets to keep the enchantment enclosed. And so the fading print is confined within the walls of the title. The stories inside each sheet changing thoughts and opinions for all who touch it. The books on the table by the door hold more than just words, but differences and change. That is the magic of books.


  1. I love all of the description you used in your slice, especially the line "Untouched by reality with covers and jackets to keep the enchantment enclosed". Great Slice!

  2. I love all of the description you used in your slice, especially the line "Untouched by reality with covers and jackets to keep the enchantment enclosed". Great Slice!


"How do you know I'm mad?" Said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."